Tune-up & Optimization
Just like your car your Apple/Mac or Windows computers need the occasional tune-up. With our tune-up and optimization service your computer will run better than ever. We take your computer's optimization to the next level by removing unwanted and unneccsary manufacturer software, often called "bloatware" and get your computer running the way it was truly meant to.
It is common practice now by companies like Best Buy to have optimization offered as part of the purchase for a new computer. But a 2010 consumer report showed that many of unwanted manufacturer programs were simply deactivated, not uninstalled. When performance tests were done, the computers did not test at improved rates. Often this service is done by running a disc that does the optimization functions. At The PC Fixers we personally go through your Apple/Mac or Windows system piece by piece to make sure each element is truly optimized for performance.
We take the time to make sure all of your System Updates are active and in place. Tied into this are any Software updates. This helps to keep your Apple/Mac or Windows computer compatible with websites, other software, and helps avoid future software errors. Then to speed up the computer, we perform a Registry Cleanup, Hard Drive Defrag, Cleanup Temporary Files, and a System Configuration.
By the time The PC Fixers tune-up and optimization of your Apple/Mac or Windows computer is done, the unwanted programs will be gone, it will start faster, run faster, and present fewer problems in the future.
Tune-Up: $180 (includes a FREE antivirus and maintenance software)
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